Writer and Independent Scholar
'The Rest is Fiction: Vargas Llosa Imagines the Experience of Dying'
Modern Language Review, 120.3 (July) 2025.
Narrative Fiction and Death: Dying Imagined.
Routledge Studies in Literature and Health Humanities.
Routledge 2023. 270 pp. ISBN 9781032539812
For abstracts of each chapter see:
Now also available in paperback ISBN 9781032539867
A Companion to Mario Vargas Llosa.
Paperback edition. Woodbridge: Tamesis 2020. 336pp. ISBN 9781855663404
A Companion to Mario Vargas Llosa.
Woodbridge: Tamesis 2014. 336pp. ISBN 9781855662698
(As translator and co-author.)
Vargas Llosa's Fiction & the Demons of Politics.
Oxford: Peter Lang 2002. 314pp. ISBN 9783906768546
Literatur und Politik - Mario Vargas Llosa.
Bern: Peter Lang 1996 (Perspectivas Hispánicas 4). 404 pp. ISBN 9783906756475
Chapter in book
'Mario Vargas Llosa between Literature and Politics', Oxford Handbook of the Latin American Novel, edited by Juan E. de Castro and Ignacio López-Calvo. Oxford University Press 2023. ISBN 9780197541852
Journal articles